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Apple vs. Microsoft Survey... Which do you prefer?
For this project, I conducted a survey on 30 different people of age and gender, and asked their opinions on the topic.
**My survey consisted of 10 different questions.**
All of the questions I used in my survey had a reason for being there. For example, My first question asked what age range the participant was in, so that I could use that data to see if age effected their thoughts on the companies, reguarding which one they prefered.
These are some of the things I learnd fron the data I collected.
1. 58% of my paticipants prefered to use Apple products over Microsoft. 26% prefered Microsoft over Apple, and 16% did not have a prefrence.
2. 55% of my partcpants believed Apple products were better quality, 6% thought that Microsoft products were better quality, and 39% believed the companies products were created equaly.
3. 84% of my participants believed Apple was more popular than Microsoft, while only 3% believed Microsoft was more popular. 13% believed that one company is not more popular than the other.
4. 26% of my survey participants believed that if a product is more expensive, that it is better quality. 74% disagreed.
5. 81% of my participnants would rather buy a more expensive computer that will last a long time, while 19% would rather buy a cheeper computer every few years.
6. 97% of my participants believed that Apples sales have gone up from 2010-2015. 3% thought that the sales stayed the same.
7. 42% of my participants believed that Microsodts sales have also went up from 2010-2015. 32% thought that their sales have went down, and 26% believed that Microsoft's sales have stayed about the same over this time period.
8. 58% of my participants stated that reguardless of the prices, they would buy and Apple computer. 39% said they would buy a microsoft, and 3% chose other.
9. 23% of my participants believe that Apple really is a better company, 3% think Microsoft is, and 68% believe that one company being better than the other is just person prefrence (6% had other responces).
10. The majority of particpant that are over 45 prefered Apple products. The majority of participants from ages 35-45 said they prefered Microsoft products. Half of the particpants from ages 20-35 prefered Apple, and half prefered Microsoft. 100% of particpants from ages 10-20 stated that they prefered Apple products.
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